I'm Jo, a Textile Artist focused on hand stitched collage art.
I create videos on YouTube with tutorials and inspiration for starting or expanding your own Slow Stitching practice.
I believe that slowly and thoughtfully stitching can create a connection - to ourselves, to the numinous aliveness of the world around us, and to each other.
My aim is to invite a shift in perspective, a feeling of calm and a sense of peace.
I believe we are all connected and creativity is a sacred thing, meant to be shared. My invitation is for others to join me and stitch along.
Previously creating mixed media art, since 2021 my focus has been on stitch exclusively.
A sketchbook and art journal practice continues to inform my stitch work. My pre-2021 paintings can still be viewed here.
View my stitch related publications and see/buy fabric created from my paintings.
My studio practice is to recycle, reduce waste and be kind to the environment, using AP certified non-toxic materials - striving to be low impact, no waste, using recycled or deadstock fabrics.
peaceofpi studio is my creative workspace in Northern B.C., Canada on the unceded ancestral lands of the Lheidli T’enneh Peoples, part of the Dakelh (Carrier) Peoples' territory.